Tag Archive for: Real estate for sale downtown Edmonton

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How do Canadians Feel About Buying Edmonton Real Estate for Sale?

Since interest rates began to climb in 2022, Alberta cities have remained relatively affordable compared to national averages. As such, many Canadian homebuyers have looked to this province to find an inexpensive place to live. However, with such a great number of buyers relocating to Alberta, prices in major cities like Edmonton and Calgary have been forced in the upward direction. Consequently, this causes Alberta residents to be a bit more cautious before pulling the trigger on purchasing a home. To give you a better idea of the market for Edmonton real estate for sale, I put together this market update. Here, you’ll find the latest trends and best places to buy real estate in the city. Follow along below to learn more. 

BMO Survey Reveals Hesitance in Canadian Homebuyers

At the end of April, BMO released its BMO Real Financial Progress Index. This survey is designed to indicate how consumers feel about their personal finances and whether they are making financial progress. The inaugural release of this survey was in 2021 to help Canadians navigate the uncertainty of the pandemic. Now, it serves as a way for Canadians to check in and see how they’re coping with current economic challenges. For example, inflation and rising interest rates. The index reveals insights into spending behaviours, financial confidence, and areas causing financial anxiety. Thus, offering a comprehensive view of Canadians’ financial well-being. 

In the most recent release of this index, BMO found that 72% of aspiring homeowners are still waiting for interest rates to drop off before buying a home. This value is up 4% year-over-year, indicating rising concerns for affordability and financial stability. Within this report, 58% of people noted that they were worried about the cost of living. Another 56% said that inflation was a major concern, and 38% said they were uncertain about their overall financial situation. For buyers who are set on waiting until interest rates come down, there is a possibility that the Bank of Canada could make cuts this month or the month following (July). 

What’s interesting is that among all of the financial concerns, 85% of Canadians still believe that they are making real financial progress. Furthermore, 67% went as far as to say that they are confident in their financial situation. Despite this, housing costs remain the top source of anxiety for Canadians, with 74% of people highlighting this in the report. The main factors contributing to this anxiety include a shift in the Canadian dream, pent-up demand, refinancing troubles, climate considerations, and the cost of homeownership itself. 

What Does This Mean for Buyers and Sellers of Edmonton Real Estate for Sale?

For buyers, these statistics highlight several key trends in the real estate market. First, there is limited demand for homes until interest rates decrease. This is because many buyers are hesitant to enter the market given such high borrowing costs. Buyers who do not wait for rates to drop will benefit from reduced competition, giving them more time to conduct due diligence and explore their options. Less buyer-to-buyer competition means decreased pressure to make a quick decision—something that is common in a crowded market. If you’re ready to act now, work with a REALTOR® to leverage the current market conditions. 

Another trend that is becoming more prevalent across Canada is the redefinition of the Canadian dream. While many Canadians aspire to one day purchase a home, this goal is becoming increasingly hard to achieve. As such, Gen Z and Millennials are being forced to look at alternative paths to homeownership. Over half of people in these generations are aspiring homeowners, but most believe that this goal won’t be achieved until 2025 or later. Gen Z and Millenials are the most likely to expect to receive or plan to ask for financial help from their parents/grandparents. Other homebuying strategies include rent-to-own agreements, co-owning with someone other than immediate family, or renting out a portion of the house. 

On the other side of the market, sellers will need a strong marketing strategy to sell their property until local buyer activity resurfaces. Working with a trusted REALTOR® is a great way to ensure that your home sells in the toughest market conditions. Despite many buyers still waiting on the sidelines, there remain several out-of-town buyers who are actively seeking homes in Edmonton. Appealing to this demographic may be sellers’ ticket to success in the current climate. 

Contact me Today!

Paying attention to market trends and statistics is critical for those looking to buy or sell real estate this summer. Contact me today to learn more about Edmonton real estate for sale. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your 2024 real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future. 

luxury homes for sale in edmonton real estate

Edmonton Luxury Real Estate is Forecasted to Boom in 2024

Canada’s luxury real estate market remained relatively quiet throughout 2023. However, this year, experts are predicting that luxury homes will start to pick up the pace in terms of sales in the months to come. With interest rates at all-time highs last year, it’s no surprise that several Canadians put a pause on purchasing luxury assets. Now that interest rates are steadying, and rumours of decreases are circulating, eager buyers and investors are looking to make their move on high-end properties. Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver are among the cities looking promising for luxury property transactions in 2024. In this article, I will focus on the Edmonton luxury real estate market and provide some advice for those considering entering the market this spring. Follow along below to learn more!

The 411 on Edmonton Luxury Real Estate

During the bulk of 2023, luxury market sales struggled. Now that mortgage rates are stabilizing, Edmontonians who have been waiting for the right opportunity to purchase, are impatiently waiting to capitalize on the potential upswing in luxury property transactions. 

According to data from the REALTORS® Association Edmonton, the activity in this sector of the market was the lowest it’s been since 2020. This is in part due to the fact that many luxury property buyers were moving away from investing in condos. Rising fees associated with condos led to a perceived increase in value for single-family homes. Consequently, buyers found it more appealing to invest in detached houses than condominiums. 

Edmonton’s neighbour and rival to the south, Calgary, saw tremendous growth in its luxury sales during 2023. Homes with values over $1,000,000 saw sales increases of 13% year-over-year. All the while, properties valued at $4,000,000 and above witnessed a 50% jump in sales year-over-year. Not surprisingly, 88% of these purchases were single-family homes. Although, condo sales in Calgary also remained fairly steady, growing 16% year-over-over. It’s worth noting that the majority of the activity in this sector occurred during the latter half of the year. 

Similar to Calgary, Edmonton also recorded strong activity from the second half of the year onward in the luxury market. This is mainly due to the fact that the luxury market in Edmonton starts at $1,000,000. As a result, it is much easier for buyers to purchase high-end properties compared to cities like Vancouver or Toronto. 

The affordable price tag on luxury properties in Edmonton has been an attractive factor for out-of-province buyers and investors. For those used to the cost of housing in B.C. or Ontario, the value of real estate in Edmonton seems like a bargain. 

Tips for Investing in Luxury Properties

  1. Find Your Limit

When investing in luxury properties, it is critical that you know your limit in terms of price. Having a clear-cut budget is essential as you work towards marking a purchase. Luxury properties are often more expensive to maintain than your average single-family property. This is because many come with additional amenities and features that you wouldn’t normally have with homes in the regular market. Not to mention the average listing price will also be higher than usual. Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is a great first step to take. 

  1. Choose a Great Location

Location is paramount with luxury real estate. Especially, if you have plans of reselling or operating a business out of your home. You’ll want to ensure that your luxury property is zoned in accordance with your intended uses and in a place where future buyers would consider it to be an attractive investment. Choosing a home that’s near great shopping, dining, educational institutions, or a recreational experience is ideal. Talk with a real estate agent to determine what area is best for you!

  1. Work With a Trusted Agent

One of the best things you can do when investing in luxury real estate is to work with a REALTOR®. A trusted agent is going to know the ins and outs of the local market. This can ensure that you get the best deals, information and advice as you work toward accomplishing your goal. When buying a luxury property, it is often hard to determine a fair price. With the help of an agent, you can guarantee that you are getting the best value for your money. 

Contact me Today!

Choosing to invest in Edmonton luxury real estate is an exciting endeavour. Contact me today to learn more about the luxury market in this area. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your 2024 real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future.

edmonton houses for sale real estate outlook 2024

Houses for Sale in Edmonton: 2024 Market Outlook

Happy New Year to everyone! If you’re considering entering the Edmonton housing market this year, you’ve come to the right place. Throughout 2023, Edmonton consistently ranked among the top places to live in Canada in terms of affordability and opportunity. Additionally, it boasted some of the most stable housing prices, as reported by CREA. Now, you might be wondering about the changes expected in 2024. What can buyers and sellers anticipate in this year’s market? In this article, I will provide a market outlook for the New Year, offering insights into the latest trends and projections. Join me below as we delve into what to expect from the housing market in Edmonton in 2024!

Trends to Expect From Houses for Sale in Edmonton in 2024

In 2024, buyers and sellers can expect to see some shifts in the market. One of the predictions outlined by experts this year is that the market will shift from one that is balanced to one that favours sellers. This means lower inventory levels and more demand from buyers. So, for those who have been waiting for the right time to list their homes for sale, now may be your chance. 

In Edmonton, RE/MAX forecasted that the two greatest trends that will impact the area will be rising interest rates and interprovincial migration from Ontario. Interest rates will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of the real estate market. As interest rates go up, the cost of borrowing will follow suit which is likely to affect the decisions of both buyers and sellers. Higher interest rates in Edmonton may cause changes in affordability in Edmonton which is something the city has yet to see thanks to its stability over the past year. 

As for new residents migrating from Ontario, this will likely equate to more competition for housing. Thus, influencing the value of property in Edmonton and surrounding areas. With Ontario being one of the least most affordable provinces to live in Canada, it’s no surprise that many will be making the move to Edmonton this year. 

Sellers should be aware that single-family homes will be the most popular in 2024. This prediction suggests that among all property types, single-detached homes will be preferred among buyers. If you’re looking to list your single-family home, be sure to tailor your listing in accordance with this trend. Factors such as a growing desire for more space and a heightened sense of privacy are driving the popularity of this housing type. 

Other Items to Note Going Into the Edmonton Real Estate Market in the New Year

Whether you are a buyer or seller going into the Edmonton real estate market, there are some other items worth noting. For instance, in 2024, the city is expecting to experience a four percent increase in average residential prices and a decline of five percent in regard to sale transactions. 

During 2024, experts envision that the top three most desirable neighbourhoods in Edmonton will be Oliver/Downtown, Rutherford/Heritage Valley, and Terra Losa. Recognizing the desirability of these areas holds value for both sellers and buyers. For instance, buyers may want to begin their search in one of these neighbourhoods, as current popularity often signals a smart investment opportunity. Furthermore, sellers in these locales can enhance their market appeal by highlighting unique characteristics that make their property stand out. Thereby, minimizing their home’s days on the market and attracting prospective buyers!

It has also been noted that similar to national trends, the rising interest rates have had a cooling effect on the Edmonton market. However, despite the growing rates, Edmonton has been able to remain relatively affordable. Thus, reinforcing the province’s resilience. Edmonton’s low housing prices and high household incomes are two of the main reasons driving Canadians from out of province to relocate to this city. 

Contact me About Houses for Sale in Edmonton in 2024!

If you’re looking to jump into the real estate market in Edmonton in 2024, now is the time to begin. 2024 is going to bring plenty of opportunities for sellers and buyers alike. Contact me today to learn more about buying or selling houses for sale in Edmonton this year. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your New Year’s real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information.

I look forward to working with you in 2024! 

condos for sale in edmonton alberta

A Buyer’s Guide to Edmonton Condos for Sale!

Buying a condo is very different from buying a single-family home. There are several advantages that condos provide that single-family homes cannot. This is a determining factor as to why so many Canadians have made the decision to own a condo. If you’re thinking about making the switch to condo living, there are a few things to understand about the buying process. From rules and fees to the age of the unit, it’s good to do your research about what you’re investing in. To help you out, I have compiled a list of tips to help you as you work towards buying your first condo! Follow along below to learn more.

Edmonton Condos for Sale: Buying New Vs. Resale 

  1. Buying a New Condo

Buying a new condo often means buying a pre-sale condo. Pre-sale condos are condos that have been listed for sale before construction has been completed/started. This usually means that you will have to choose your unit based on a set of floorplans and a visit to the showroom. Buying a presale condo has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that you may be able to request changes. However, the final product may not look like the plan or what you imagined. Additionally, the date of completion could be later than what was initially proposed. 

It’s worth noting that when you buy a new (presale) condo, you typically need to pay occupancy fees—colloquially known as phantom rent. These fees are paid to the developer until the building is registered. According to the Globe and Mail, “[t]he Condominium Act allows a developer to charge tenants for three main expenses in the period between occupancy and condo registration: property taxes, a prorated share of common operating expenses and interest on the unpaid balance of the purchase price”. 

  1. Buying a Resale Condo

While resale condos do not have the same new home feel, you do get the benefit of seeing the unit before you buy it. This makes it abundantly clear how much space there is, the quality of materials, building amenities, noise levels, etc. Additionally, you can get a feel for the condo community to see if the building is in good condition and if the people living there match your lifestyle.

Moreover, when buying a resale condo unit, it’s a good idea to research the building’s operating budget and financial status. You will also want to look into the reserve fund, bylaws, and who manages/maintains the property. 

Understanding the Building

  1. All About the Fees

Before you sign off on buying a condo (new or old), it is important to understand the condo fees and what they cover. Nearly every condo has a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee that must be paid by each resident. These fees are collected so that the building can pay for expenses like insurance and maintenance. However, you should talk with the developer or property manager to get a better sense of what your fees include. Understanding the cost of these fees can make a big impact on whether or not you can afford the unit. Lenders add condo fees to the monthly debts of the buyer. So, if the building has a steep association fee, there’s a good chance that some buyers will be priced out. 

  1. Know the Rules 

In condo buildings, there are often a set of rules and guidelines put in place to keep peace within the community. Unlike living in a single-family home, you cannot always do what you want, when you want to. Finding out about what rules are in place in the building is a good idea. After all, some condos have strict rules against pets, noise, age of residents, smoking, and more. Check to see what these rules are to make sure that they align with your lifestyle. 

  1. What Does the Condo Include?

Although it may seem silly, understanding what your condo comes with is important in the buying process. After all, you don’t want to assume that your unit comes with something it does not—for example, a reserved parking spot! Before you buy make sure you understand what’s available to you. Some common amenities include:

  • Additional storage
  • Guest parking
  • Reserved parking
  • Underground/covered parking
  • Bike storage
  • Pool
  • Gym
  • Outdoor common space

Contact me Today About Edmonton Condos for Sale!

Living in a condo comes with many benefits. From more time to better amenities, you’ll love the lifestyle that a condo affords. Contact me today to learn more about buying Edmonton condos for sale. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future. 

condos in edmonton

6 Reasons to Buy a Condo in Edmonton

Living in a condo comes with a variety of benefits. Many of which, most homeowners aren’t aware of. While it is certainly enticing to have the space and freedom of a single-family home, a condo offers an entirely different lifestyle. From more time to focus on what you love to a better sense of community, a condo can change your life for the better. The debate over condo Vs. house living has gone on for years. However, with home prices on the rise and a collective desire to be closer to city centres, more and more people are realizing the benefits of condo ownership. In this article, I will be going over six different reasons why you should consider investing in a condo in Edmonton. Follow along below to learn more.  

Why Buy a Condo in Edmonton?

  1. Get Your Weekends Back

As a homeowner, your weekends often get chewed up by housework. Whether it’s cleaning or yard work, owning a house requires a lot of maintenance. Especially, if you want to maintain your property’s value. Because of this, there is usually little time left to enjoy yourself. When you own a condo, you don’t need to worry about dealing with maintenance 24/7. This means no more shovelling snow, mowing the lawn or weeding the garden. Instead, you can spend your spare time doing the things you love most. For instance, hanging out with friends, spending time with family, or enjoying the great outdoors!

  1. Spend Less

Another perk of condo living is that you won’t spend nearly as much. Condos by design are cheaper than most single-family homes. And, any major repairs or renovations will be covered by the building. While you will need to pay a monthly strata fee, the cost pales in comparison to the expenses of owning a house. By spending less on your housing costs, you will have more financial freedom to do the things you want. 

  1. Cut Down Your Commute 

Condo living is great for those who are eagerly looking for ways to minimize their commute time. Most often, condos are located in central places where residents don’t need to travel far to access local amenities. For example, workplaces, entertainment, grocery stores, pharmacies, and schools. Finding a condo in a walkable or transit-friendly location is relatively easy in a city like Edmonton. 

More Reasons to Downsize!

  1. Better Amenities

Are you sick of paying for a gym membership? Are you tired of maintaining your pool only to use it a few times per year? In the right condo building, you can have access to a gym, pool, and games room without having to worry about the additional cost and upkeep. One of the greatest benefits of living in a condo is that you get access to all of the awesome condo amenities! Whether it’s a rooftop patio or a community theatre, there’s so much to love about condo living. 

  1. Connect With Your Loved Ones

Living in a smaller space is a great way to connect with your loved ones. Connections tend to thrive in smaller spaces—be it with yourself, your family, or your pets. With more time to connect, you’ll be able to foster the relationships most important to you. In addition to this, living in a condo provides you with a built-in community. This is great for individuals who work from home or are new to the city. 

  1. It’s Safer

Living in a condo in Edmonton is often safer than living in a single-family home. Especially, if you live alone. Condos are typically equipped with security cameras, generous lighting, and underground parking. In some cases, buildings will even have security personnel on-site. You will also have the benefit of being in proximity to other residents who can alert the authorities if something seems out of the ordinary. Furthermore, condos are generally secured with a key fob, pin, or key card access to monitor who comes and goes from the building. 

Contact me Today!

Living in a condo comes with many benefits. From more time to better amenities, there’s a lot to love about condo living. Contact me today to learn more about buying a condo in Edmonton. For more information on selling or buying condos, contact me today. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future.