
How Does an Agent Help Buyers of Homes in Edmonton South?

Are you looking to buy homes in Edmonton South? If you are, you may be wondering how an agent will help you accomplish your goal. Many buyers often wrestle with whether or not they need an agent to represent them during the home-buying process. However, those who choose to work with an agent often experience greater success and satisfaction than those who don’t. An agent has many duties when it comes to helping the buyer. For instance, helping you identify your needs and negotiating a fair price. In this article, I will be going over all of the things that an agent does to help their buyer. Follow along below to learn more!

Tasks an Agent Does to Help Buyers Purchase Homes in Edmonton South!

  1. Taking the First Steps

When you are buying a home, there are many things you need to do before you can start looking at real estate. One of the most important steps is a mortgage pre-approval. Although mortgage pre-approvals are not necessary, they are extremely beneficial. A mortgage pre-approval helps you get a feel for your price range and lets sellers know that you are a qualified buyer. Besides a mortgage pre-approval, you’ll want to nail down a home-buying budget and get familiar with the market conditions. Taking these steps on your own can seem daunting. This is why so many Canadian buyers choose to work with a real estate agent. 

  1. Understanding the Needs of the Buyer

Another important item that a real estate agent helps with, is understanding your wants and needs. When buying a home, it is crucial that you come up with a list of must-haves, nice-to-haves, and non-negotiables. If you’re not sure what to include on these lists, an agent can help you. After all, understanding the wants and needs of the buyer is incredibly important. 

  1. Compiling Potential Listings

Once the agent knows what your needs and wants are, they can begin searching for areas and properties that might suit these criteria. Doing this step on your own can be incredibly time-consuming and frustrating. Especially, if you don’t know where to look or aren’t familiar with the area. Finding a good neighbourhood is just as important as finding a good property. An agent knows this, which is why they consider details like schools, transportation, location, crime, local amenities, and more. This is all done to ensure the buyer finds a home that suits both their lifestyle and real estate needs. 


More Ways an Agent Guides the Buyer

  1. Setting up Showings

Once your agent has identified some key properties that you are interested in, they can arrange in-person showings so that you can view the home. Agents do so by contacting the listing agent and arranging a time for you to walk through the home. Typically, your agent will join you at the showing and point out key details about the home, potential deal-breakers, and other important factors.

  1. Negotiating a Fair Price

Having a real estate agent is incredibly important when it comes to negotiating a fair price. Once you’ve settled on a home that you love, it is time to put in an offer. Your initial offer is a critical move that can determine the outcome of the deal. For instance, if you put in an offer that is too low, the seller may discard it and move on to the next interested buyer. However, if you put in an offer that’s too high, you could end up spending more than the home is worth. Having an agent to help you through the negotiation process is extremely beneficial. 

  1. Closing the Sale

So the seller accepted your offer. Now what? After your offer has been accepted, you need to go through the closing process. This often entails a lot of paperwork, legal jargon, and correspondence between the buyer and seller. Having an agent during this step can help to make sure you aren’t blindly agreeing to things and that the transaction unfolds smoothly.

Contact me Today!

Hiring an agent to buy real estate comes with many benefits. From their expertise to connections with the community, hiring an agent is a must when buying a home. Contact me today to learn more about homes in Edmonton South. For more information on selling or buying apartments, contact me today. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future. 

apartments in Downtown Edmonton

Apartments in Downtown Edmonton: Creating Your Own Space in a Shared Home

When living in apartments in Downtown Edmonton, it can be beneficial to have a roommate. Sharing an apartment with another person can help significantly reduce your cost of living. Moreover, it can help you afford nicer apartments in better neighbourhoods. Even if you have great housemates, it can be hard to get the privacy you are looking for in a shared apartment. A lack of privacy can cause all sorts of problems in a household. In order to avoid tension and maintain privacy there are a few things you and your housemates can do to create your own space. In this article, I will be going over some tips for living in a shared apartment in downtown Edmonton! Follow along below to learn more. 

Tips for Sharing Apartments in Downtown Edmonton:

  1. Set Rules and Communicate

Creating a set of ground rules for your shared apartment is essential. In order to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, it’s best to be on the same page. If you have one bathroom, you might consider having rules about when you get to shower, get ready, etc. Furthermore, you may want to come up with rules about noise and when it’s okay to bring guests over. Creating a written set of rules is a good idea because it will prevent you from stepping on each other’s toes. 

In addition, if you and your housemate come to a disagreement, it’s important to talk about it. Finding ways to resolve conflict is integral when living in a shared apartment. It’s best to resolve conflict sooner rather than later, so don’t avoid the situation. 

  1. Come up With a Cleaning Schedule

Living in clutter is a recipe for disaster. Not only can things get lost and broken, but it can also cause friction between you and your housemates. To avoid conflict, it’s best to establish a cleaning schedule. You can post this schedule on the fridge or email it to each other. Your cleaning schedule should include a list of cleaning tasks and the frequency at which they are to be completed. This way everyone contributes to the cleanliness of the home and there are no inequities. 

Further to this, as a good roommate, it’s critical that you clean up after yourself. After all, the home is not uniquely yours. Whether you spilled something on the floor or left a fork on the counter, be sure to leave each room clean once you are finished using it. Nobody wants to feel like they are living in an unsanitary environment, so be mindful of how your actions impact your housemates. 

apartment in Downtown Edmonton

How to Create Your Own Space and Maintain Privacy in a Shared Apartment?

  1. Establish Boundaries and Keep Belongings Separate

When living with others, it can be easy for people’s belongings to get mixed up. This can cause all sorts of problems and tensions between household members. To avoid frustration and resentment, it is a good idea to establish areas for each person to store their belongings. For instance, you might allocate specific drawers/cupboards/shelves in the kitchen to different housemates. While coming up with rules about who gets what space and when, you should also discuss how to manage household supplies and groceries. 

  1. Soundproof Your Bedroom(s)

One of the best ways to maintain your privacy in a shared living space is to soundproof your bedroom. This is not to say that it needs to be studio quality. However, some additional padding could make all the difference in your privacy. By adding area rugs, putting furniture against the walls, and hanging tapestries, you can reduce noise pollution quite substantially. Furthermore, you may want to invest in soundproof curtains for added benefit. 

  1. Make Your Room Yours

Lastly, in order to make your shared living space feel like your own, consider giving your bedroom a makeover. A few personal touches can make you feel all that much more at home. Adding artwork, knick-knacks you love, painting the walls (if allowed), getting new bedding, or changing the lighting are all great ways to add some personal flare! Pro Tip: Be sure to consider storage when remodelling your bedroom. 

Contact me Today!

Living in a shared space comes with many benefits. And, with a little extra effort, it is possible to maintain your privacy! Contact me today to learn more about apartments in Downtown Edmonton. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future. 


All About Home Inspections For Properties in Sherwood Park!

Home inspections are an important part of any buyer’s journey to finding the right home. Having a home inspection conducted by a trusted professional will ensure that your dream home doesn’t come with any costly issues. Although home inspections aren’t mandatory in Canada, they are strongly recommended! In this article, I will be going over everything you need to know about home inspections for properties in Sherwood Park. Continue reading below to learn more. 

What’s a Home Inspection and Why Get One?

A home inspection is a type of inspection that is done by a house inspector. House inspectors are trained professionals who evaluate homes to determine their condition. Usually, a home inspector is hired before closing to determine if there are any serious/non-serious issues with the home. The main purpose of a home inspection is to ensure that the buyer is investing in a home that is in good condition and worth the sale price. 

As I mentioned earlier, home inspections are not mandatory in Canada. Because of this, many buyers will choose to skip the home inspection in order to seal the deal before the home is snatched up by another buyer. This is especially common in aggressive markets like Toronto. It was also a common trend in 2021 and 2022 when Canada’s real estate market set numerous records because of the pace at which homes were selling. Despite this, nearly any real estate professional will advise you to have an inspection done before buying a home. After all, no one wants to discover costly issues after they’ve already closed the deal. 

Cost, Time, and How to Hire?

A home inspection is a cost that you’ll want to factor into your budget when buying a home. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all cost for home inspections. In Alberta, residents can expect to pay anywhere from $250 to $600 on average for a home inspection. This cost fluctuates depending on the square footage of the home that needs to be inspected. For instance, a small apartment or condo will likely cost about $250 for an inspection. Whereas, most single-family detached homes will be closer to the upper end of $600. 

Home inspections take roughly 1-3 hours to complete. However, this timeframe is again dependent on the size of the house. 

Unlike other provinces/territories in Canada, Alberta is one of the only places that regulates home inspectors. This means that finding a trustworthy inspector will be much simpler. Albertan home inspectors must satisfy a few key criteria in order to obtain their mandatory licensing. For instance, a completed application form, a criminal record or police information check, and proof of education. It should be noted that all Albertan home inspectors must have a license provided by Service Alberta. Be sure to do your due diligence when searching for a home inspector. Just like with any other trade, it is important to shop around so that you can find the most suitable candidate for the job!

What’s Covered in a Home Inspection for Properties in Sherwood Park?

Home inspections typically cover a wide range of evaluations of both the interior and exterior of the property. These inspections are non-invasive and meant to uncover any hidden/obvious defects within the home. The areas checked by your home inspector will likely depend on the size of the home. Some areas that are commonly checked include:

  • Electrical wiring
  • Plumbing
  • Ventilation
  • Heating/cooling systems
  • Insulation
  • Basement
  • Attic
  • Windows/doors
  • Ceiling, floors, and walls
  • Roof
  • Gutters
  • Garage
  • Decks
  • Fencing
  • Drainage
  • Foundation
  • The slope of the property (grading)

Once your home inspection is complete, you will receive a report usually within 24 hours. It is worth mentioning that homes never fully pass an inspection. In fact, it is quite common for things like doors and faulty faucets to be listed on the report. However, you’ll want to keep an eye out for issues with the roofing, foundation, plumbing, heating and electrical systems! These are often telltale signs of costly repairs. 

Contact me About Properties in Sherwood Park!

As you can see, getting a home inspection is an important part of the home-buying process. Contact me today to learn more about home inspections for properties in Sherwood Park. For more information on selling or buying real estate in Edmonton, check out my social media. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future. 

sherwood park homes for sale

Energy Efficiency & Sherwood Park Homes for Sale!

Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important. With the rise in climate concerns, a number of homeowners across the country are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Thankfully, there are tons of new energy-efficient alternatives to basic home fixtures. And, contrary to popular belief, most of these options can be implemented without breaking the bank. In fact, the majority of homeowners who incorporate green alternatives, end up saving money! In addition to this, a Vancouver-based company has just released new software to generate energy efficiency ratings for single-family homes in Edmonton and Calgary. To learn more about how to make Sherwood Park homes for sale energy efficient, continue reading this article!

Minimizing the Carbon Footprint of Sherwood Park Homes for Sale

  1. Replace Incandescent Bulbs with LEDs

Incandescent light bulbs make a huge impact on your carbon footprint. Those who still have incandescent bulbs in their homes will have a much higher carbon footprint than those who use LEDs. In general, LED bulbs use 85% less energy than their incandescent counterparts. By replacing 30 incandescent bulbs, you can save as much as 4000 lbs of CO2 per year. Not to mention, LEDs are way cheaper since they require less energy. Furthermore, LED bulbs are good for roughly 50,000-100,000 hours. By comparison, incandescent bulbs only last about 1,200 hours.

  1. Air Seal and Insulate Your Home

Air sealing your home can vastly improve its energy efficiency. Closing up any gaps in your insulation will keep your home cooler during the summer and warmer during winter. Hiring a professional air sealing company and upgrading your insulation can eliminate a host of household problems. For instance, eliminating that pesky draft, or keeping critters from getting inside. Ensuring that your home is sealed properly has also been proven to enhance the efficiency of your HVAC system as well—talk about a win-win. 

More Ways to Go Green!

  1. Use Less Water (Specifically, Hot Water)

Another way that homeowners can minimize their carbon footprint, is by using less water. More specifically, by using less hot water. Hot water is much more resource intensive than cold water. One of the easiest ways to reduce your hot water usage is to do your laundry with cold water. This simple switch can bring down your carbon footprint and make your clothes last longer.

  1. Switch to Solar

While this solution is not as affordable as the others, it does make an impactful difference. Solar energy is a great way to cut down on carbon emissions and reduce monthly energy bills. Depending on where you are located, your municipality may have solar initiatives that incentivize homeowners to invest in solar by paying for a portion of the cost. So, solar doesn’t always have to be expensive. Investing in solar wherever possible is a great idea. Even solar-powered generators can make a huge difference. 

The Future of Energy Efficiency in Edmonton Homes

Earlier in the article, I mentioned a new technology that can generate energy efficiency ratings for single-family homes. This software was rolled out on March 30th by a Vancouver-based company called Lightspark. According to Lightspark, the site’s beta version will run for three to six months as a pilot project. However, it has been under development for the past few years. 

This technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to determine the energy efficiency of homes in the area. On the map on their website, you can see which homes in Calgary and Edmonton are more energy efficient and which homes are less efficient. Houses that appear red are considered inefficient and houses that appear green are very efficient. 

Lightspark uses data from the census, EnerGuide labels, light detection, and property tax rates to approximate the efficiency of each home. To help advance the software, homeowners can register their homes with Lightspark and provide more information to improvise the scores’ accuracy.

Edmonton city officials are excited about this software as it will ideally help the city reach its carbon reduction targets sooner. Unfortunately, as it is right now, both Edmonton and Calgary would require homes to undergo energy-efficient upgrades every year until 2050 in order to reach their goals surrounding carbon emissions. 

Contact me About Sherwood Park Homes for Sale

Considering ways that you can cut back on carbon emissions is essential to our future. Plus, in most cases, being energy efficient means spending less money over time. 

Contact me today to learn more about Sherwood Park homes for sale. For more information on reducing your carbon footprint, feel free to reach out. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your real estate goals. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future. 

condos with pools edmonton

Condos in Edmonton: All About Condo Fees.

Often, condos are praised for their affordability compared to traditional homes. They are seen as a great option for young people looking to get on the property ladder or retirees that don’t want to maintain an entire house. At face value, condos boast better prices. However, once you dig past the surface, you might find that condo fees are the catch. Condo fees are monthly dues that condo owners must pay in addition to their mortgage payments. In general, condo fees cover the maintenance of common areas in the building. This might mean, landscaping, window washing, snow removal, pool maintenance, etc. If you’re curious about the fees associated with condos in Edmonton, continue reading this article.

Below, I will go over the basics of condo fees in Edmonton!

How do Fees get Calculated for Condos in Edmonton?

Usually, condo fees are calculated as a percentage of the total amount of maintenance required for the building. Annual maintenance costs and additional money for the reserves will comprise the condo fee. The reserve fund is set aside for any unexpected expenses or long-term repairs like redoing the roof. Finding a building with a healthy reserve fund is always ideal when searching for a condo. All of these costs are managed by a condo board that oversees the budget and tracks annual maintenance expenses. 

Typically, the amount that you contribute is calculated based on the value of your unit. To provide an example, Sterling Homes writes that “if there were 100 condos of equal value in the building, each condo owner would be responsible for one percent of the total annual charge, divided into 12 monthly payments.” Obviously, not all condos in a building will be of equal value because of size, amenities, view, etc. So, when you purchase a condo, you can expect that the more valuable your unit, the more expensive your condo fees will be. Be sure to inquire about condo fees prior to purchasing a unit. 

Condo Fees Aren’t Set in Stone

A diligent condo board will maintain an organized budget and follow it. However, depending on the age of the condo the reserve fund might be sparse. In this case, any unexpected costs that cannot be covered by the base condo fee will require a “special assessment”. A special assessment must be paid by all owners. 

Although, special assessments can happen whether there is enough money in the reserve or not. For example, if the board uses all of the money in the reserve to repaint the interior and then the elevator breaks, you and all other occupants are on the hook to cover the cost of the repair. 

For newer buildings, you will generally have to pay a greater condo fee at the start to help build up the reserve fund. Contrastively, you will have more special assessments. 

Average Fees and What to Consider

Condo fees vary immensely from building to building. And, it is almost impossible to give an average because the range is so large. Some condo fees may be at the low end of $200-300 per month. Whereas, others may be closer to $1000. While you search for the right home for you, be sure to factor in this expense. A high condo fee can sometimes equate to being the same or more expensive than owning a single-family home. 

Before you sign anything, make sure you understand what is covered by each condo fee. Take a close look at the fine print and ensure that you aren’t paying for a ton of amenities that you aren’t going to use. For example, if your building has a pool, but you hate public swimming, you might resent paying for the upkeep each month. Especially, if/when something breaks. In general, you want to be sure that your condo fee covers the important stuff. For example, landscaping, heat and water, insurance for the structure, security as needed, reserve fund contributions, etc. Looking into condo fees is essential in preventing yourself from being hit with a bunch of surprise fees. 

Contact Me About Condos in Edmonton

Contact me today to learn more about the fees associated with owning condos in Edmonton. For more information on selling or buying condos, contact me today. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future.