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How do Canadians Feel About Buying Edmonton Real Estate for Sale?

Since interest rates began to climb in 2022, Alberta cities have remained relatively affordable compared to national averages. As such, many Canadian homebuyers have looked to this province to find an inexpensive place to live. However, with such a great number of buyers relocating to Alberta, prices in major cities like Edmonton and Calgary have been forced in the upward direction. Consequently, this causes Alberta residents to be a bit more cautious before pulling the trigger on purchasing a home. To give you a better idea of the market for Edmonton real estate for sale, I put together this market update. Here, you’ll find the latest trends and best places to buy real estate in the city. Follow along below to learn more. 

BMO Survey Reveals Hesitance in Canadian Homebuyers

At the end of April, BMO released its BMO Real Financial Progress Index. This survey is designed to indicate how consumers feel about their personal finances and whether they are making financial progress. The inaugural release of this survey was in 2021 to help Canadians navigate the uncertainty of the pandemic. Now, it serves as a way for Canadians to check in and see how they’re coping with current economic challenges. For example, inflation and rising interest rates. The index reveals insights into spending behaviours, financial confidence, and areas causing financial anxiety. Thus, offering a comprehensive view of Canadians’ financial well-being. 

In the most recent release of this index, BMO found that 72% of aspiring homeowners are still waiting for interest rates to drop off before buying a home. This value is up 4% year-over-year, indicating rising concerns for affordability and financial stability. Within this report, 58% of people noted that they were worried about the cost of living. Another 56% said that inflation was a major concern, and 38% said they were uncertain about their overall financial situation. For buyers who are set on waiting until interest rates come down, there is a possibility that the Bank of Canada could make cuts this month or the month following (July). 

What’s interesting is that among all of the financial concerns, 85% of Canadians still believe that they are making real financial progress. Furthermore, 67% went as far as to say that they are confident in their financial situation. Despite this, housing costs remain the top source of anxiety for Canadians, with 74% of people highlighting this in the report. The main factors contributing to this anxiety include a shift in the Canadian dream, pent-up demand, refinancing troubles, climate considerations, and the cost of homeownership itself. 

What Does This Mean for Buyers and Sellers of Edmonton Real Estate for Sale?

For buyers, these statistics highlight several key trends in the real estate market. First, there is limited demand for homes until interest rates decrease. This is because many buyers are hesitant to enter the market given such high borrowing costs. Buyers who do not wait for rates to drop will benefit from reduced competition, giving them more time to conduct due diligence and explore their options. Less buyer-to-buyer competition means decreased pressure to make a quick decision—something that is common in a crowded market. If you’re ready to act now, work with a REALTOR® to leverage the current market conditions. 

Another trend that is becoming more prevalent across Canada is the redefinition of the Canadian dream. While many Canadians aspire to one day purchase a home, this goal is becoming increasingly hard to achieve. As such, Gen Z and Millennials are being forced to look at alternative paths to homeownership. Over half of people in these generations are aspiring homeowners, but most believe that this goal won’t be achieved until 2025 or later. Gen Z and Millenials are the most likely to expect to receive or plan to ask for financial help from their parents/grandparents. Other homebuying strategies include rent-to-own agreements, co-owning with someone other than immediate family, or renting out a portion of the house. 

On the other side of the market, sellers will need a strong marketing strategy to sell their property until local buyer activity resurfaces. Working with a trusted REALTOR® is a great way to ensure that your home sells in the toughest market conditions. Despite many buyers still waiting on the sidelines, there remain several out-of-town buyers who are actively seeking homes in Edmonton. Appealing to this demographic may be sellers’ ticket to success in the current climate. 

Contact me Today!

Paying attention to market trends and statistics is critical for those looking to buy or sell real estate this summer. Contact me today to learn more about Edmonton real estate for sale. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about how to achieve your 2024 real estate goals. Feel free to reach out to me at any time! Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related information. I look forward to working with you in the near future. 

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